Gogolfest 2016: the best examples of contemporary Ukrainian and world art
Gogolfest is an international festival of contemporary art of modern Ukrainian and world artists. A multidisciplinary international festival “GogolFest”- it is a representation in Ukraine of the best examples of modern Ukrainian and world art, the accumulation of powerful, creative and intellectual resources, the formation of a creative environment where a new generation of artists of world importance emerges.
The festival was created in 2007 by Vlad Troitsky, a founder of the Center for Contemporary Art “Roof”. The festival represents the outstanding achievements of the Ukrainian and foreign contemporary art. Over its history, the festival was attended by over 1000 participants from 40 countries, including Spain, France, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, the USA, Israel, Germany, Switzerland and others.

This year, the festival of contemporary art Gogolfest will be held in Kiev in a new place – the art factory “Platforma”. While the exact date are unknown yet, but most likely, it will be traditionally held in September around from 2 till 25. At this time, the main focus of the activities of Gogolfest will be on collaborative projects with international partners. In addition to collaborating with invited directors, composers and artists the festival plans to establish relations with foreign institutions for the promotion of Ukrainian cultural product on the external market.
The festival will be a large-scale art research, which will examine the myth of Babylon with new, unexpected point of view. Like every year, you are expected to see the most relevant and interesting art projects in the areas of theater, dance, academic and alternative music, performance, fashion, film, literature, visual arts, and children’s program.

From now on, Gogolfest will be held within a month only on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Thus, the event will cover four weekends that is 12 days. Weekdays between the presentation periods will be a “working area”, when the festival will become an internal residence for professionals. Also, workshops, master classes will be held these days.

Areas that are presented at GogolFest: theater, performance art, architecture with the support of the festival CANactions, visual program, animation of the festival, literature, choreography and mime, art-management, children’s program, cinema and documentary school, eco-program, clothing design, voluntary school.
Tickets: in the past year 1 day ticket cost 50 UAH, and on special events – from 60 to 150 UAH. Tickets can be bought directly on the place, in the cashier.
Watch an opening performance of Gogolfest 2015! It was incredible.