Ukrainians overseas: Daria Werbowy

Daria had never seriously considered about modeling, but found herself launched into the business after meeting a schoolmate`s mother who headed Toronto`s Susan J. Model & Talent Management. At age of 14, Daria Werbowy won a national modeling contest. After six unsuccessful years she decided to earn some money for studying by modeling, and this time Daria was admitted. Next day she had an exclusive deal with Prada. From then her career began to flourish. Only a year later Daria Werbowy became a top Canadian model, her honorarium extremely raised. She had bookings with such brands as Yves Saint Laurent, Versace, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, and Chanel.

In 2005 “The New York Time” declared her as the First model in USA, 50 times she was on the Vogue`s cover. Werbowy holds the record of opening and closing the most shows in one season.

She became the second Canadian model, after Linda Evangelista to have a star on the Canadian Walk of Fame.

Being interviewed, Daria likes to tell journalists about her family. She assures that she knows how to cook traditional Ukrainian “borsch”, “varenyky” and “pampushki”. Besides, she is not frightened to show her Ukrainian language to cameras.