Kiev Travel Journal: Amadou
I first came in Ukraine in 1984 to study at Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University. It was still the time of Soviet Union. I received a state internship from Mauritania and could choose the university in Baku or Moscow. But my choice was Kiev and I’ve never regretted it. The city has a very positive “aura” I’d say.

Before coming to Ukraine, I knew about Kiev thanks to Dynamo football team and their performance at European Championship. We also had a cultural center of URSS at my city and I saw many different postcards of Kiev. I was impressed by architecture and how green the city was. I love this city and this country is my second home. I’ve lived here for more than 30 years and I have my family here.

Talking about stereotypes the only one I heard before coming was freezing cold. For someone like me used to hot temperatures and +40 degrees, Ukraine seemed glacial. We’ve always thought that it was snowing all the time and people were wearing fur coats all year round. And I actually experienced those winters in 1980s, so somehow this stereotype is partly true.

Some of Ukrainian traditions resemble to African ones. Living in a community is important. Family takes a major place and the role of a woman in the Ukrainian society is very important. There are some similarities in folklore for instance. Some agricultural habits are similar as well. Every Ukrainian knows what a countryside means, people are used to growing their own vegetables and fruits for personal use. Ukrainians are very hospitable and this matters a lot to me.
What was very different from what I’ve been used to? When I first came I was very surprised to see so many women working. Especially at the domains that were strictly reserved to men at my country. For example, women conducting trams, trolleybus or working at plants. And yes, I was stunned by the scene of fishermen fishing at the middle of a frozen Dnipro river in winter.

I’ve experienced the Soviet era of Kiev and I know the city today, great changes indeed. The rhythm, the style of life has changed. No more queues to buy a pair of jeans, cosmetics for women or simply a bottle of pepsi! There are plenty of examples like that. And there is much more liberty, freedom in all the spheres of life. Sometimes I feel nostalgic about that previous times, though the changes are definitely positive ones.

My favourite places in Kiev. I’d say there are plenty of them. I like to stroll along Chervonoarmiyska street, “Kyiv” cinema at Tolstoho square is a favourite place to see movies. I enjoy walking along the Dnipro quays in good weather.